Control Your Financial Future Most children learn this skill from their parents. If you are not so lucky, keep in mind the sooner you learn, the sooner you will find it easy to keep your finances in order. Most people can effortlessly purchase any item on credit the minute they want it, but it is… Read more »
All of us are required to apply for a loan at a certain point in our life. The reasons vary – some of us like to buy a new car, a new apartment, renovate our home, etc. It is no shame if our current financial status is not enough to pay a certain service or… Read more »
The coronavirus pandemic and the resulting lockdown has negatively affected the financial situations of many people, particularly those who were already in debt. Debt payment plans on mortgages or credit cards that you set up when you had a steady income may be unmanageable now that you’ve been laid off or your work situation has… Read more »
Getting out of debt is only the first part of having a healthy financial lifestyle because staying out of debt long-term is just as important. The key to achieving this is to form healthy habits around money and to set financial goals that are realistic. Money management is crucial for avoiding debt in the future…. Read more »
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